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About Us

The Mile High Sporting Dog Fanciers was founded in 2009 when a handful of Sporting breed enthusiasts decided it was finally time for Colorado to showcase our group in a limited breed setting.  After what seemed like endless matches, educational events and moratoriums, we were finally approved and held our inaugural specialty show in September of 2012. 


We have quickly built a reputation of having truly special events.  Competitors showed up in record numbers for our 2012 show and then shattered that record in 2013 including increasing our Best Junior competition by two fold!  We aim to always go the extra mile with our outstanding trophies, jaw-dropping rosettes, and special touches like our free ice cream social!


In 2014, we expanded into holding two group shows a year!  By adding on our Sporting Specialty to the famous Rocky Mountain Cluster, we will be helping provide 5 full days of exhibiting for sporting breed owners.  The Rocky Mountain Cluster held at Denver's National Western Complex and is one of the country's largest AKC Shows.  We are thrilled to be part of the fun!

In 2013 we held a successful agility "A" match and received our license to hold All Breed agility trials!  We are excited to dive into this new venture with our inaugural agility trial February 22 - 23, 2014.  Our trial is a one ring trial on mats at Denver's premier agility training center, Denver Dog Sports!


And just as we go the extra mile with our conformation events, the same will be true of our agility trials.  On top of our beautiful rosettes offered for new titles and MACH or PACH achievement, we also feature a High In Trial Sporting Dog award each day!  This rosette is one to be coveted and helps do a little something extra for the sporting breeds we hold so dearly. 


We are a diverse group, spanning breeds and ages, but at heart we are lucky to have such a group of dedicated worker bees and breed stewards.  Our membership includes members who are everything from exhibitors to judges, regular members to board members of individual National clubs, newbies to lifelong AKC competitors.  We meet at least once a month and are a very dedicated group.  If you would like to join us on this journey, please fill out an application on our "Join Us" page, we'd love to meet you!

Our Leadership:

President:  Sally Maxwell

Vice President: Joseph "Jay" Acker

Treasurer: Angela McLean

Secretary: Anita Eley

Board Members at Large:

Sandy Edwards-Zickrick, Carole Williams, Ginger Sammonds

© 2013 by Mile High Sporing Dog Fanciers. Proudly created with

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